The Power of “GROUP”: Why Brainstorming with Others Works Wonders


“Two heads are better than one,” the proverb goes, and it rings particularly true when it comes to brainstorming. While individual creativity has its place, the collaborative environment of group brainstorming unlocks a unique set of benefits that often lead to more successful outcomes. Let’s delve into the magic of “GROUP” and explore how brainstorming together amplifies creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. I learnt this technique from a business coach, Mr Tan Lip Kee, several years ago.

G: Go for Quantity

The most significant advantage of group brainstorming lies in the varied perspectives each member brings to the table. We all come with unique experiences, knowledge sets, and ways of thinking. This diversity translates into a broader range of ideas, fostering solutions that might not have emerged in an individual brainstorm. Imagine trying to design a sustainable water-purification system alone. You might come up with an efficient technical solution, but a team member with an environmental background could suggest incorporating natural filtration methods, leading to a more holistic and eco-friendly design.

At this stage you want to put on the “everything goes” (non) thinking cap, where you just throw out every idea that comes to mind. Think of it as firing at a target with a fully automatic machine gun – just point it toward that direction and fire away. Many bullets might miss the bullseye, but some are going to hit it.

R: Respect and Record

At his stage, record every idea that was spoken.

Beyond diverse perspectives, group brainstorming unleashes a powerful phenomenon called synergy. This describes the tendency for a group’s combined creativity to be greater than the sum of its individual members’ contributions. One idea sparks another, building upon and refining each other to reach unforeseen heights. Imagine brainstorming marketing strategies for a new product. Someone throws out the idea of social media influencers, another suggests partnering with an environmental charity, and soon you have a campaign that resonates with young adults and aligns with ethical values – a brilliant outcome fueled by synergy.

O: Outlaw judgement

Effective group brainstorming thrives on openness and imagination. This means creating a safe space where all ideas, even seemingly outlandish ones, are welcomed and explored. This encourages free-flowing thinking, fostering a sense of playfulness and experimentation. Picture brainstorming ways to improve customer service. Someone suggests robots handling routine inquiries, another proposes a “choose your own adventure” support system, and suddenly you’re considering virtual assistants and interactive storytelling – ideas that might have seemed crazy on your own.

U: Unleash Crazy Thoughts

While brainstorming thrives on individual contributions, collective intelligence elevates it to a whole new level. This refers to the group’s ability to pool and process information collaboratively, leading to solutions that transcend individual limitations. Imagine tackling a complex scientific problem. One scientist proposes a new compound, another suggests an alternative testing method, and through shared discussion and evaluation, the group arrives at a breakthrough solution no single person could have reached alone.

P: Period of Incubation

I’m not sure if you have the experience of solving a problem that you have been thinking about when you wake up in the morning. I’ve had many instances when that happened – sometimes it is when I am trying to remember something, other times, it is when I’m thinking of ideas to solve a problem.

These are examples of when our unconscious mind is working the background and continuing to work on a problem when our conscious mind is occupied with other things. By allowing a problem to sit with us over a longer time, preferably overnight, we are allowing our unconscious mind to prompt us with ideas that might solve the problem.


While the benefits of group brainstorming are abundant, maximizing its effectiveness requires careful planning and facilitation. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Set clear goals and expectations: Define the problem being addressed and desired outcomes.
  • Choose the right group: Select people with diverse perspectives and relevant expertise.
  • Create a safe and open environment: Encourage all ideas and avoid judgment.
  • Use brainstorming techniques: Implement tools like mind maps, role-playing, and rapid idea generation.
  • Focus on building upon ideas: Encourage participants to add to and improve each other’s suggestions.
  • Document and evaluate ideas: Capture all ideas and assess them afterwards for feasibility and merit.

By harnessing the power of “GROUP”, you can unlock the true potential of brainstorming, fostering innovation, creativity, and problem-solving in ways that individuals simply cannot achieve alone. So, gather your diverse perspectives, tap into the synergy of collaboration, and unleash the collective intelligence of your team to achieve truly remarkable results. Remember, sometimes the best solutions come from the combined power of many minds working together.